
Interesting places around Gemmelaincourt

Place Stanislas

Place Stanislas in Nancy was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1983.

Place of interest near Gemmelaincourt - Stanislas Square in Nancy (UNESCO)
Place of interest near Gemmelaincourt - Stanislas Square in Nancy (UNESCO)

The city of Metz has many sights such as churches, squares, town houses, museums and various parks that invite you to relax. Belonging to the German Empire until 1918 had a strong influence on the cityscape of Metz. To this day, it is easy to distinguish the "German" or "Prussian" Metz from the "French" Metz.


St Stephen's Cathedral in Metz, France also known as Saint Étienne Cathedral
St Stephen's Cathedral in Metz, France also known as Saint Étienne Cathedral

Ossuaire de Douaumont

The First World War left many traces in the area. If you take a day, you can already discover a lot of impressive things. Montsec, Thiaucourt, St. Mihiel, Ossuaire de Douaumont are just a few of the names behind which fate and suffering are hidden.

Further information can be found under the following link: dettwilereducation (in German)